One Crazy Family

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Day After Gramma'sbig DAy

Well Mom made it another year....I cant remember how old she is now...somewhere between 48 and God....we had a good time. The whole family was there....thanks for coming auntie and uncle and cousins and brothers and Esther and Jordy....and Sarah and Rhia, Chris and Sylvia....I guess I cant leave out me and mike, rick and mj...poshton doesnt count cuz she rarely shows up until the party is over....Anyhow I think good times were had by most....and that is all that counts...the cake was awesome.....some day I will find out where that cake came from...yummy...Anyhow Mom...if you read this....will y ou please hurry up with the Maeve Binchy book...thanks....

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Mommy

Happy Birthday to YOU

Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Happy Birrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthday dear mommmmmmmmmmy

Happy Birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyy to you.

Guess Who is having a Birthday?

Guess Who is having a Birthday?

Monday, September 04, 2006


Is it weird that I am so sad that STeve died. people keep saying that at least he died doing what he loved...but he still died. And I am going to miss his show. Anyhow that is it today. Auntie and Uncle are leaving for Calgary. I hope they take pictures for me to put on the blog. Moms birthday party is here on friday september it will be fish and chip night. So you all have a good day.....ttyl

Sunday, September 03, 2006

We are Home

Mine and Mike's vacation island
Tow hill....Queen charlotte island
A teenage black bear on the way to charlotte city
a light house on the way to rupert
the bear finally deciding to get off the road

So I guess by now you have figured out that we are home from our trip. IT was a good time, but as usual so great to be home. Be it ever so humbe there is no place like home....(hey someone should make that a famous saying some day)..We had a good long trip to get to Queen Charlottes....and Mike and I have both decided that we will NEVER take that route again...although we are glad we did it. Mike got to spend three full days fishing so he will have some good fishing stories for any poor sucker who is within listening distance....and if you are really lucky you will get to see the action packed DVD....becareful though...there may be some inappropriate language. I had a great visit with Gina and Alyssa and Baby Jayson, and especially with Pheobe. I will post a picture of Phoebe tomorrow..I cant believe I forgot her today. I had to work midngiht shifts the last two days, not so bad...but I am glad I dont have to do it all the time. Now we are home and almost unpacked and ready to get some goodnight to you all...and if you have anything you want to post any news in your family email me it and i will post it for you...bye for now.....see you later...