One Crazy Family

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Robins...West coast adventures

EWWW...Cold water...Robins first footsteps in the ocean at saxe you can see Mj is making sure she is safe

Feeling very daring...did we tell you in is snowing in London already..Poor Robin

MY Pretty girls...Sarah Lynn and Robin at MY Chosen CAfe....

Robin....eating thanksgiving dinner...

Pretty Robin at the Esquimalt Lagoon.....
So in case my dear family doesnt know...Robin started working at Walmart with me in London...our first day together was Sept 11, 2001...and we have been buddies ever since. Robin is a nanny in London right now...but she is thinking of moving here....i hope she does. She was suppose to meet Brucie while she was here and get married...that was my plan...oh well...some times our plans dont work out....Brucie was at sea. Anyhow we had a great visit with her and I m iss her already....BYE Robinsky....see you soon....